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I use "xyz" brand!

Writer's picture: JeffJeff

Fanboyism. Isn't in annoying. It seems to be everywhere in our lives and despite the name not limited to boys. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against appreciation for products coming from certain brands, whether that be a camera, a phone, coffee, car, or even your favorite re-sealable food container. I have a nostalgic attachment to Pentax as it was both my first "real camera" (k1000) and first "real digital camera" (k10d). I'd also pay good money if I could just spare said money to have a k-1 kit or better yet a 645z. Some take it to an extreme however. Actually many take it to an extreme and make nearly all their purchases based on some default program that seems to run in their head, programmed from an early age. The most common of these fanboy brand picks are religious and political choices, but I'll refrain from exploring that for now.

Most people think of technology when then think "fanboy". Well, that and perhaps movie and comic book franchises. Sure, it's fine to have preferences but please try to make some decisions in your life by actually deciding, rather than by letting your default program run. When you run your program that says you must be a Star Wars loving, DC hating, Canon using, Democratic voting, Budhist, because anything else is inferior even though you haven't actually looked at the options from the "other side" in years, or perhaps ever, it's a problem.

Bringing it back to photography, there seems to be four primary camps. Canon fanboys, Nikon fanboys, Canikon hater fanboys, and the small amount that are left that try to recognize that pretty much all equipment these days is pretty darn good and that while some individual products may be better in some uses than others, There is no such thing as a superior brand. It's my hope that that group grows and the others shrink. The debates that constantly go on between what is better, a camera that uses a mirror box and one that doesn't, or why one tiny sensor is better than a only slightly smaller sensor don't do much to further the skill of the photographer or the development of the equipment or industry. I'm sorry to break it to some people out there but full frame sensors are not full frame. When the industry learns to make an affordable camera containing an 8x10 (or at least a 4x5) inch camera you can call that full frame. All others are number two, or lower, to quote the Sphinx.

So, if you are curious what I shoot with I'll tell you. It's called a camera. I have several actually. The one I use will depend on the conditions I'm shooting in, and sometimes, maybe, just the mood that I'm in. Because they all do the same thing, act as a tool to help me create a photographic image.


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